It is hypothesised:
there is a direct relationship between pregnant embodiment and women’s identity with femininity
and maternity.
that the pregnant body is the most visible and distinctive aspect of a first- time mother’s identity
as she makes the transition to motherhood.
that experiences with the physical changes associated with pregnancy suggest the centrality of the body
in a woman’s transition to motherhood
the best way to analyse these experiences is through women’s personal narratives.
This research investigates the public pregnancy. That is the ways women experience their
pregnant bodies as compared to the ways the pregnant body is represented in the media and culture. Feminist scholarship is
extremely interested in debates surrounding the body. In a society focused on representing female bodies as thin, how women
respond to internal and external changes in their bodies is important for feminist research. The research consists of:
focus groups with pregnant women or those having recently given birth to discuss body
image, public pregnancy and motherhood.
A longitudinal study consisting of semi-structured interviews with women between 12
and 18 weeks pregnant and continuing until the birth.